Yikes!! It's been way too long, my dear little blog. And for that, I humbly apologize.
If only there were more hours in the day...
Know the feeling?
So, in a whirlwind-kind of way, I'll give you the lowdown on the monkeys and their latest antics:

Yes, that boy is walking all around the house. Officially one year old, he's a hefty24 lbs. 4 oz. and 30 inches tall.

Mr. Personality, he is. He's a friendly, happy, smiley kind of boy who lights up when he sees someone he knows and loves. A mama's boy to the core, which I'm sooo not sad about, he's a fantastic snuggler and is usually found in the vicinity of my legs while I'm working in the kitchen.

Ya-Ya, sweet Ya-Ya. She's always had an artistic bent and it's really been coming out lately. This art masterpiece is (in case you're not sure) a bride and a groom getting married. Can you see it now? Ya-Ya is the type of girly-girl who dreams of growing up, getting married, and having babies, just like her mama. {sigh} We must be doing something right!

Bubba is growing like a weed, both physically and in personality. His vocabulary has exploded, he's teaching himself to read, and his favorite phrase is, "Speaking of..." He's a pretty smart dude! Still working on the two-wheeler, though.

And then there's our Gi-Gi! She's up in the trees every time we let her, like a true monkey. She's still our little bookworm, working hard through third grade, helping me take care of Ju-Ju, and staying busy with her Literature Club (plus reading my blogs). She's loving spending time hand-sewing and crocheting, just like Laura Ingalls Wilder, dontcha know?

We've been keeping pretty busy, what with Saturday-morning dance party, and all. This is truly one of our kids favorite activities and they find that they have very willing parents.

Here's another one of our favorite things: acting out Bible stories as part of our family worship. This was Bubba and YaYa acting out when Jesus washed the disciples feet. They did a great job but we're still having to work at implementing this into our daily lives. Does it ever get any easier? Not only did I get to get my feet cleaned, but I also got to be the servant who clean the basin full of dirty water. Ugh! How lucky could I be? But I guess I was practicing servanthood.

And then we come to Miss Buttercup. Every year, our hummingbird comes to her little nest on our wind chime to lay her eggs on the nest she so lovingly made. Sure enough, this year she showed up, made a few improvements and settled down to lay her eggs. We waited with anticipation and lo and behold, the eggs hatched and out popped two little babies. But, they don't stay little for long! In no time, they've gotten big enough to push mama out of the next and she hangs out (literally) on the wall next to them. It's incredible to me how trusting she is of us. She buzzes (or is it hums?) around us whenever we're in the back yard and even follows Hubby around when he's mowing the lawn.
Now you've caught up with us all. And I promise I'll do better keeping this updated.
Cross my heart.