Pathetic, I know.
This is the month where I love to be outside with my family. Last Saturday, with our homeschool group, we went to the park and set off...rockets!!
Last year, even though we didn't have a rocket, we went to the event. Our kids were only a little sad, being happy to chase after the rockets as the parachutes had them slowly floating to the ground. Unless the parachutes didn't open and then we parents were yelling at the kids to duck and cover, lest they get impaled by a Wal-Mart rocket. Ah, what a story that would have been.
Some of my children were bigger fans of the whole sh-bang than others.
Ju-Ju did not enjoy it one bit. This was his position almost the entire time. It was a little precarious, with a little brother trying to kick him off, but he held on, nonetheless.
Ya-Ya, too, could have lived with a little less noise, please. After awhile, though, best friends and silly band swaps pulled her away from mama's side.
Pat worked hard getting our rocket together in record time. When he opened the instructions, there were 54 steps. 54?! Good grief. What a good daddy he is. He put this really big engine in our rocket for it's first test and then it when up into the wild blue yonder. Where did it land? We know not. We searched...and searched...and searched. No luck. Well, at least we got to try it once.
Ju-Ju cheered up after awhile, after his BFF showed up. He still came running at me everytime he heard a rocket, clambering up onto my lap, letting out a siren-like wail. Sad, yet funny. What kind of mama am I?
Ah, semi-happy at last. Sandwich in one hand, sippy in the other. Life is good.
Everyone came home pooped-out and ready for naps. Oh, wait. Maybe that was just me.
It was a great day!