My husband leapt to his feet and ran into the laundry room to immediately install the sink. Well, maybe not immediately, but it was within a couple of days. Now, everyone needs to know, originally, it was only supposed to take a couple of hours, the morning at most. How many here believe that? Yeah, I didn't either. So, four days later, after numerous trips to Home Depot and Lowe's, a couple of runs to neighbors fo various sundry items, and a leak, I now have a gorgeous, completely functional laundry room sink!
I have to say my husband did a wonderful job! Really, I'm not just saying that. Yes, it took longer than expected, doesn't that happen to everyone? (Please say yes!) But, I'm always impressed with his diligence in doing projects completely and thoroughly. I can now say it was worth the two years wait. Well, maybe not two years, but thankfully it won't be three or even two and a half.

My proud husband and the beautiful new addition to our household!