Better late than never, right?
I really, really, really love celebrating Resurrection Sunday! Last year, we weren't able to celebrate it as usual due to Hubby's nephew getting married, three kids in the wedding (they really were so darling, but three kids in one wedding?!) and a one month old.
This year was so much more meaningful simply for the reason that we had time to meditate on what it all means to us every day.

Funny how tricky it can be getting four kids looking and semi-smiling
nicely at the same time. Can we do it?

Yes!! Got it! Everyone smiling semi-nicely, looking at the camera and not tackling each other to the ground. Miracles do happen!

We spent the evening before making Resurrection Cookies with our kids. Our recipe didn't really turn out well, so I won't share the recipe we used, but you can google them and hopefully have your turn out better than ours. It was a really powerful object lesson for little ones. It was worth it even if the cookies didn't turn out. Maybe next year, we could find a way to add chocolate in there. Hmmmm....
On Sunday, we spent time with Paco's familia after church and had such a wonderful time being outside in our gorgeous Arizona spring-time weather. Apparently, orange was the color this year. Nobody told me. Could it be because I look absolutely hideous in orange? Nah!

And then, of course, the egg coloring tradition. I love how my children have no patience for this (as in waiting for the color to set) and yet we HAVE to do this. Then, they won't touch them with a ten foot pole when they're done! I'm still eating them a week later. How long are hard-boiled eggs good for, anyways?
I'm just praying away the salmonella, folks. {shudder}
How did you celebrate this Easter?