I've actually been a little melancholy today. I can remember the day she was born with startling clarity. I remember holding the precious bundle in my arms and marveling at how tiny she was. At 6 lbs. 9 oz., she was the smallest of my bunch. Even then she was teeny.
Now she's three. Oh, my.

Even now she is still on the small size. But don't let her size fool you. She's wee, but she's mighty!
She was my one unexpected pregnancy (doesn't everyone have one of those? lol). I knew from the moment I found out about her that she was going to be the one who made me realize how much I needed to lean on God!
Here is my top ten list of favorite things about my Ya-Ya:
10. She loves clothes. She loves to shop for them, wear them, throw them in the washing machine, and dress up in them. It doesn't matter, she loves them all. And she can match outfits together without my help. That's my girl!
9. Ya-Ya was four weeks early and so needed to be held more than the previous two kiddos. The only way she could sleep at night was to be buckled into her car seat with my hand somewhere on her body. Precious, but exhausting.
8. She has the incredible heart of a servant. Wanting to be my big helper is just the beginning. She consistently is looking for ways to help and bless others.
7. She really wants to be a mama someday. Yay for future mamas!
6. Ya-Ya is our family's cheerleader. She loves to encourage and celebrate each of us.
5. She's a ham. She will stop and pose anytime she sees a camera. It can be pretty funny.
4. She is incredibly witty and funny. She doesn't have to think about being funny. She just is.
3. Ya-Ya has the cutest little voice! A friend recently said that she should be doing voice over work for cartoon mice. She may be the one soprano in our family.
2. She loves to climb up on laps. A great snuggler from the moment she arrived!
1. She is the best surprise of my life! The Lord knew we needed her in our family. I am so glad He gave her to us!
Happy birthday, dear girl!

1 comment:
A little late, but adorable! She is such a personality packed into tinyness!
I see baby in her, or her in the baby.
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