Come celebrate with me!
Life has recently become so hectic and crazy (in a good way!), so the blogging has been something I think about late at night as I'm falling asleep.
And I mean falling like a load of bricks!
So I'm just going to take this oppurtunity to show you some of the things our precious family is up to!

Gi-Gi has just learned how to crochet. Well, kind of. Can you tell? Her Nonnie recently showed her how to make a chain. The chain is now six feet long. Seriously. Unfortunately, that's the only stitch she knows. I'm looking around the house, searching for some way to use a six-foot long crochet chain. Any ideas? Please? But, I am pretty proud of her!

Ju-Ju has been taking guitar lessons. I told you he was advanced! His Daddy's pleased as punch! Even when Daddy is at work, I find Ju-Ju crawling over to the guitar and patting it, trying to make it make some sound. I love the thought of the future day of when our home is filled with (melodious) music made by my children. Of course, I'm not sure if I'll have any hair left by the time they are able to make the music melodious.

Bubba has recently taken up shaving. What can I say? He's growing up way too fast. You'd think he was an Iowan corn-fed farm boy. Good grief! I tremble at the thought of future grocery bills! *shudder* He's also just discovered the joys of riding his bicycle up and down the alley challenging his sister to races. A few scraped knees later...

And then there's our Ya-Ya! She's just busy being three. My baby, my baby. She's keeping us all in stitches, especially when she sings her new song. Here's how it goes:
Jammies and undaweas
Jammies and undaweas
Jammies and undaweas
This is sung in her New Jersey accent. I still haven't figured out where she picked it up! She says butta and stow-ah for butter and store. If anything, she should be talking in an Irish brogue or with a Speedy Gonzalez accent. Go figure.

As for me, well, I'm just living the life! I am so terribly busy keeping up with these five fabulous people and I've never experienced anything more glorious. God is bringing me through a season of such learning that I can't imagine ever being the same as I was. And that's a good thing, my friend. A very good thing. I am blessed. So very blessed. Thank you for being on this journey with me. I'm enjoying being part of this blogging world.
Wahoo! 100 posts:) Wow...shaving huh? They really are growing up fast. hehe.... We HAVE to get together for park time or something now that it's cooling off.
Holy smoke! I thought that bottom picture was Jackie. i couldn't figure out who it was. Haha, I'm still not positive.
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