Remember when you would stay up late with a ton of other party goers just to watch the clock change to the magical time of 12:00? Those were in the BC days.
BC as in before children.
Nowadays our New Year's celebrations are a little more, well, subdued.
6:30 pm finds us toasting with our pizza:

And playing the game "Who can make themselves sick the fastest":

Then after that rolicking good time being had, we proceed home and amuse ourselves any way that seems, uh, amusing:

Promptly followed by little people falling unconscious in various locations in the family room (no doubt due to the vigorous pizza-eating):
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Still, there are those who determinedly hold out for that clock to strike midnight:

But here's my favorite New Year's tradition of all:

And that will never be subdued!
PS We didn't really make it midnight. Daddy and Mama decided to make 11:25 the "new" New Year time. What's thirty-five minutes, anyway?
Happy New Year!

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