We spent last Saturday watching our children (with one exception) running up and down hills chasing after rockets. Alas, none of them were ours. The rockets, I mean. Not the children.

Before you feel too sorry for the little boy without the rocket, let me assure you that he was just excited watching them launch and then come down to earth (despite what the picture may look like).
Up and down, up and down.

Some of us got a little tired.

And maybe a tad bit distracted by the really cool drain. (Mama's always holding her breath around these things.)

And one of us was just enjoying being outside laughing at everyone else's goofiness.

Yup, just another beautiful day!

Looks like a perfect way to spend a day! I am so ready for nice weather...I'm eager to spend some time outdoors.
Definitely the best time to be outdoors in Arizona :)
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