However, we did get to travel down to Tucson on Memorial Day to visit the T'hono Chul (I'm almost certain that's misspelled) Desert Botanical Garden and it was gor-geous!

There was an abundance of butterflies as well as secret little havens for women without children with them to sit peacefully, drink tea and listen to the water fountain bubble up vigorously. I took a peek before they hastily shut the gate in my face when they saw the stroller. Totally kidding here.

Really, who wouldn't trust these sweet, innocent little angels?

I wish my camera could have done it justice, but alas, it could not. Some things must be seen in person!
Ya-Ya floating her little leaf-boat in the canal they have in the children's area.

Oops, looks like she got a little too close. It bugged her for the rest of the day, poor dear.

Thankfully, Daddy was there to save Bubba before his imminent head dunking.

Checking out the streams in the desert, just like the Bible says.

I know that I'm totally related to this guy some how. Check out his big mouth! Look familiar?

Although, I think I prefer to be related to her! She's pink, sassy and has fabulous taste in shoes. She should have come home with us. Everyone needs a souvenir, don't you think?

Better a pink chicken than a rattle snake!

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