Apparently, some one in my family has their heart at the dollar store. And it's not me.
Our family has been working together every night during family worship memorizing the Ten Commandments. It's pretty funny to listen to Ya-Ya try to get her two-year old pronunciation around number 7: Do not commit adultery. It comes out: do not tome it ah dole ti wee. It's really cute. The pronunciation, not the sin.
When they each recited them last Sunday for a proud Mama and Daddy, we promised them that they would each be able to pick out a treat from the dollar store. When we went today, they all picked exactly what I would have predicted. Here they are with their treasures:

Gi-Gi picked silk flowers, Bubba picked pirate dress-up and Ya-Ya picked a fairy dress-up skirt. Yup, couldn't see that one coming from a mile away.
I have to admit, like any sane Mama, I had to guide their choices. I honestly had to stand in the aisle explaining to one of my children that we don't buy art work at the dollar store because it looks cheap. "Of course it looks cheap. It is cheap," was the reply.
They get their intelligence from me.
Thankfully, another decorating crises averted.
I have to say, I think it's pretty ironic that Bubba chose to dress up like a person who routinely commits sins number six and eight.
Thankfully, it's from the dollar store. It will have disintegrated by tomorrow. I hope.