Finally, a moment to get these posted! Our weekend and already the beginning of this week have flown by with craziness around every corner.
However, we
ARE survivors and are telling all who listen about it!
What a fun experience this wedding was for our family. Not only did we see Hubby's handsome nephew marry his beautiful sweetheart, but our family got to play a very active role in whole shin-dig. I have to say how blessed we were, as parents, to be asked several months ago to have our children involved.
Of course, as a mother, I am proud (as I'm sure y'all have noticed! Really, you haven't?), but I love that they are seeing the beginning of a marriage. We see too many "ends", that we need to celebrate the beginnings we do see, and be encouraged that people are still wanting to take that wonderful step into a lifetime together!
Okay, delicately stepping off of my soapbox am I, and on to pictures and running commentary (oooo, my favorite part).

We managed to corral them for a few seconds to snap this picture. Let me tell you, no easy to task to keep three children clean, not damaging wedding clothing and out of guests way, all while trying to nurse a newborn. I am woman, hear me
roar! Maybe it would be more accurate to say, "I am Mama, hear me
roar!" Please, notice the cheeseball in the middle. He's not mine. He was dropped on our doorstep by a group of crazy babboons. ~Sigh~

Can you see this hair?! And thankfully, no clowns were needed to entertain them. All done in the presence of a gorgeous bride and her bridesmaids. My girls were absolutely glued to their seats, probably picturing themselves a few years down... Oh, wait, so not going there right now. Sniff, sniff.

Here they come, my trio of wonderful beauty and handsomeness. Thank you, thank you. Yes, I do take credit in giving birth to all of these gorgeous people. Oh, and their Daddy had something to do with it as well. They were
perfect! No panicked look at Mama, no tears or running away. Huge relief! Hubby is in the back, guarding the rear exit, ready to rescue anyone who needed it. No takers, thank goodness. Also, notice Ya-Ya watching her big sis for direction in how to throw flower petals. Nothing like on the job training!

Ya-Ya's got that look on her face like, "Here I come Mama!" And sure enough the next second, she was climbing in my lap. Was this surprising? Not in the least. Was it welcome?
Always. Nap had not been taken, so a potential meltdown was only a breath away. I didn't breathe for the rest of the ceremony.

And then there was my son, who was like a statue during the entire ceremony. That is when he wasn't chewing on the ring pillow. Why on earth... Can't explain the allure in that, but then, he's only three. Thankfully, Cousin Micah had Tic-Tacs in his pocket as a bribe to keep him still. Good work, Micah Buddy!

Everyone is celebrating David and Annie! What gorgeous people and what a gorgeous setting. Perfect day for all of us to remember.

Another shot with our lovely bride and her incredible dress! She's about a size 2. It's sick, sick I tell you! I thought on such a windy day, she would just float away. Thankfully, she didn't and the celebration could go on as planned.

One of our first family pictures since Ju-Ju was born. It's so different to have everyone all dressed up at the same time (besides church and Sunday mornings don't usually lend themselves to a lot of picture taking. Is that just at my house?).

I just had to snap a picture of these way cute table settings. You just have to smile when you see them. Yuuummm, the strawberry tux was so good, too. Uh, yeah, I actually ate it. Wouldn't you?

Okay, so I'm not sure what exactly happened with this picture and my camera, but I thought it was so fun and different I would include it. I can't even tell you what's going on, but I know we're having a great time! It was an amazing evening in a beautiful setting with some good friends and family. Romance was in the air with lots of snuggling, hand-holding and smooching going on ~ and not just the bride and groom! Hey, my hubby and I are unapologetically still on our honeymoon. Are you jealous or is it the same for you?
Thank you for humoring me and letting me post and comment on my seemingly endless pictures. I know our kids are going to remember this night for the rest of their lives. Well, at least three of them will. One just slept through all of the excitement. Some people just aren't any fun. :) We forgive you, Ju-Ju!