I don't think I realized before how much I hate making decisions like this. Really, it's so minute and stupid (uh, oh. I forgot that's potty talk). Why do have so much trouble making this decision? I wrestle with it over and over and I'm never quite satisfied.
What is this issue of highest priority? What can I possibly be talking about? Hair. There it is, right out there. I do this before every hair appointment. My poor beautician. She has a sign that says, "I'm a beautician, not a magician. Oh, if she only was.
So here's the deal. Next week is a big family wedding. Usually these things aren't a cause of internal beauty panic attacks, but with just having a baby... Do you see where I'm going with this? Not quite into my regular clothes, but maternity clothes not fitting quite right, I desperately want something on me to look good. You know, hubba-hubba~ish. There's only so much I can do in a week with a post-c-section body. It would take way longer than a week to recover from liposuction. Hmmmm... Well, that's where the hair cut comes into play.
Now to some of you, my hair may seem already short enough. I haven't had really long hair since I was a senior in high school. Yeah, it just doesn't work for me. So, the choices are go back to somewhat spikey short or layered bob. I love it being short, but I always worry I'm going to poke someone's eye out when I hug them. The plus side though is it only takes three minutes to blow dry and uses a lot less shampoo. A bob is so soft and feminine. But with my thick and heavy hair it takes a long time to dry and I don't know if I have the time. AAAARRRGGGHHH! I am so indecisive!
Bless Sandy, my hair lady, who has put up with me now for over ten years hemming and hawing at every appointment. Why should tomorrow's be any different?
So what's the decision you ask? I don't know. I guess we'll have to see what I feel like in the morning. This could be really good or really bad.

This would be the really bad.

This would be really good. I think the beautician would have to be a magician to pull this one off, though!

Hey, model #2 looks like a good one for you. While the blonde extensions wouldn't be my fav, I'd still be seen with you. love you.
I thought your hair looked great by the way.
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