So, that being said, here's just some random thoughts bouncing around in my head, pretty much drivin' me crazy until I blog about them. They are in no order, just bursting forth.
~This Friday is a fun family wedding. Weddings are always exciting, but this one in particular because it has my three older ninos practicing their abilities at walking down an aisle. Three kids, three wedding outfits complete with shoes, two girls hair-do's. Oh, dear. This is either an oppurtunity for sheer chaos or a well-timed miracle.

We're praying for the miracle, which would include, but not be limited to:
1) No more yucky colds for Ya-Ya and JuJu (and Mama while we're at it)
2) No hair emergencies. Prayerfully, Ya-Ya will hold still long enough for me to do it. Maybe if we got clowns to entertain her while I'm braiding. Good idea? Hmmm...
3) No one noticing the horrible job I did hemming Bubba's pants all in the interest of saving money and time. Again, good idea? Hmmmm...
4) The little ones actually following Gi-Gi's example and walking down the aisle with no major mishaps. This being the sixth time Gi-Gi's been a flower girl (seriously), she's a professional!
5) No arguing or fighting while in front a boatload of people. I don't think this would happen, but I have my "evil-eye" ready, just in case.
~Because of the wedding, we have family coming in from out of town. COUSINS!, my kids yell at the top of their young lungs. Yup, they get into town tonight and it will be non-stop cousin fun for the rest of the week. We're all so excited to see them. It's been way too long. I can't wait to get some good pictures of all of them. They'll probably all be action shots, since they won't want to sit down the whole time.
~Easter weekend. What a time of rememberance of what my Savior did for me all those many years ago. I have to admit, it's gotten a little forgotten this year because of new baby and wedding, so I'm trying to find ways to re-focus myself and my family. I never want an oppurtunity of relishing in the love and forgiveness of Christ because of appointments on a calendar.

My lone Easter decoration in my house. It's lonely, but cute.
~I read a fascinating article the other day about feminism v. femininity. I would love to delve into it here, but I am almost too passionate about it. It talks about how with the rise of feminism, we women have lost the essence of what it is to be a woman, suppressing what God has created us all to be and therefore many become depressed. Let me say, I LOVE being a girl! It hasn't always been that way, but my heart has come around to understanding the positions and desires God has for me, as a woman, one of His prized creations. To read this article, go to:
Some things that make me happy I'm a girl!

My favorite red shoes

My favorite perfume bottle, from Paris
~One more thing, I promise. I made these this week for my favorite oldest daughter, Gi-Gi. It's so fun for me to attempt to be crafty! They are easy to make, cheap, and you can make them to match any outfit. I'll be making about 50 pair to sell at our homeschool group's used curriculum and craft fair in June. Yikes! My fingers will be tired! Anyway, I was so proud of myself, I wanted to share with y'all.

They were cute before, but painted red toenails make them even cuter! (Or as Ya-Ya would say, "They're so toot!"

1 comment:
From one oldest child to an other. You are the only one who is even going to notice or care if the kids don't look they way you have pictured it in your head. We don't even know what that picture looks like so don't sweat it. I know, I know, easier said than done. But since I am the same way I thought it might bring you some solace. They will look adorable now matter what.
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