I am a Mama. Let's compact this with the fact that I'm a home school Mama. That means I am big into lessons. And I mean BIG!
Now, I would love to think that I'm the one teaching the lessons. I feel like living thirty years on this earth has earned me some wisdom. Wisdom that I am more than willing to share with others around me. Maybe too willing at times. Well, I don't always get to be the teacher. Other times, I'm more the reluctant student. Hmph!
Tonight, I was the student. Again. We had a lovely impromptu picnic at the neighborhood park with some great friends. To many who live in other parts of the country, it would seem as if a slight breeze was blowing. To us Arizona people, it was downright windy. The perfect kind of day for kite flying.
When we got to the park, a lovely family from our street was already there, you guessed it, flying their kites. Our children, sad to say, are kite deprived. For some unknown reason, I've just never bought them. So, when they see kites being flown, they want to join in.
As this family was leaving, they offered one of our children the oppurtunity to borrow the kite for the afternoon. All went well until it was time to leave. The kite's string had been wound up after use. Well, it kind of got tangled up quite severely because one of our children was being irresponsible with it. Unfortunately, it was past saving. I mean way past saving. It would have taken me a month to get these knots out.
Me being me, I wanted to use this oppurtunity to teach a lesson in responsibility. Money being saved up is now going to be spent replacing a Spider Man kite. Heartbreak Hotel around here, let me tell you.
However, when time came to let these neighbors know what had happened, I balked. Long story short (I think it's too late for that), I was embarrassed. We had had an issue several months ago with kids, which had to be apologized for from this same child. What would these people think about me? was my first thought.
Yes, in my embarrassment, I turned this issue into one about me. I tried to think of any out I could. Maybe Hubby would go over and explain, maybe we could just go and replace it without explaining what had happened, maybe I could spend all night trying to get the knot out. Whatever I had to do to save face.
And then I realized. Was I going to miss out on teaching my child something important because I was afraid of being embarrassed? The Lord has called me to a higher purpose. I can't sacrifice the teachable moments with me child because they're uncomfortable for me.
And so, I girded up my loins, held my child's hand and crossed the street. The family was exceedingly gracious, which I knew they would be. They offered to forget about it, as I thought they might. However, I tried to subtly convey the fact that we're learning a lesson here, so please let us replace it. By subtly, I mean that I tried to wink in a slow, non-flirtatious way. Unfortunately, it was the husband that answered. I don't think he got the wrong idea. I hope.
That being said, tomorrow will find us buying a spider man kite and walking it across the street. I will take my child's hand as we cross, and that thank the Lord that He reminded me that I, too, still have many lessons to learn.

1 comment:
Very funny. I know how you feel. Great show of courage Jamie!
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