Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grandpa is 95!

We were privileged to celebrate Hubby's Grandpa Virgil's birthday last week! He is a living testimony of God's blessing of longevity. I don't know about you, but there aren't too many ninety-five year olds in my circle of friends! Maybe I need to get out more...

Grandpa was so tickled that we were able to come and celebrate his birthday with him at his assisted living center. I think he even liked the balloons and Virgil's Root Beer that we brought him.

Such a sweet, sweet Godly man! His story of lovingly taking care of his wife for fifteen years is movie-worthy. Grandma had Alzheimer's and he went to her nursing home every day to feed and take care of her needs until she passed on four years ago! That is a rich legacy that he is passing down in our family.

Bless you, Grandpa!