So, what to do, what to do? I wish I could say that I'm so much more mature than all of this. I'm not. Life and circumstances come and mess with our emotions. What can we do about it? Weeeellll, most of the time we get the dreaded "adjustment". Hmmpphh!
My adjustment came in the form of one of my last prenatal visits yesterday. I have been ready for several weeks to go into labor to meet this precious little man. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, my body has not been obedient and started the process. I keep dreaming that I'll wake up in the middle of the night and my water will have broken or I'll be having contractions that assure me that tonight is the night! Yeah, no such luck.
When I went in yesterday, I was prepared to beg and plead with my doctor to pllleeeaasseee, move the C-section date up another week. In my defense, the baby is full term now and is actually growing at a stupendous rate. He is definitely a Mehan baby.
I made it to the appointment, but my doctor did not. He was out delivering another baby. What nerve! To say I was disappointed is an understatement! Just add it to the attitude issue. So, I got to see the nurse practioner. It turned out to be so good! God certainly knows what I need and when I need it! I did receive the news that the doctor is going to be out of town for the next ten days with probably less graciousness than I should have, but... I was so disappointed that not only will I have to wait until the 17th for him, but I was scared that if I do go into labor before then, he won't be delivering, which is really important to me.

What we're looking forward to!
However, after shedding a few tears, I had a lovely chat with the nurse who pretty much gave me permission to sit down on the couch and watch sappy, weepy movies for the next 12 days. I love that! Not that I'm going to do it, but is sure is nice to have permission.
The icing on the cake was when she asked me what the baby's name is. Now, I have to say, we haven't gotten rave reviews about poor Little Dude's name, which does make me a little sad. When I told her, she whirled around and said, "That is so cool! I absolutely love it!" What proud mama doesn't want to hear something positive about her child, even before he's born?
Talking through all this emotional muck with her really helped me put this all in perspective. I so appreciate the oppurtunity to talk to a woman who has not only gone through this herself, but has encouraged other women through it.
Now, has the pain, nausea, contractions or irritability suddenly vanished? No, not really. But my attitude has improved, I hope. I'm really going to try to treasure these last days of only having three kids and full nights of sleep. I'm going to enjoy feeling him move around and having Ya-Ya as my baby. I'm choosing to be happy and content where God has placed me.

You're so cute. I definitely need an attitude adjustment quite often when I 'm prego. It's just hard sometimes. That is frustrating that your doctor will be out of town the next 10 days. Errr!..
That's nice though that you had a chance to talk with a woman about what you were feeling. See God works in mysterious ways. YOU thought you wanted to talk with the Dr. but really He knew you wanted to talk to the nurse practitioner. :)
And wait I don't know the name yet.. what is it?
Oh I so remember these days... they are hard.. when you are so close, and all the pains of pregnancy are reaking havok on your body.. Praying for you these last days, Jaime. Much strength to you... thankyou, Jesus for sending that sweet nurse to speak life over you...:) Sometimes as women, we just need to talk about it, don't need it solved, but just talking about it makes it better somehow.. hugs.. Amy
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