"Lord of all pots and pans and things... make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates! the time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clutter of my kitchen... I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my my knees in blessed sacrament."
As women, it is so easy for us to get overwhelmed by the magnitude of our mission of taking care of our family. We get caught up in the everyday drudgery of living. I confess, there are days when doing one more load of laundry or sweeping the floor clean of spilled cereal or bread crumbs seems to be just too much! Now I know that these things are blessings to my family (and myself in neurotic way), but have I really understood it to be an oppurtunity for tranquility in God, equal to time spent on my knees? I can answer that quite succinctly, no.
So, now I have a new challenge. Oh, how I love new challenges. Really, no sarcasm. I am now striving to view these daily chores as an oppurtunity to better the lives of those around me and looking at them as a way to worship my precious Lord. While I'm washing dishes, remembering how my sins have been washed away. While ironing shirts, seeing how the Lord makes my paths straight. Every job has it's own way of leading me back to Him. Glorious housework...

Thank You, Father, for using a monk who lived 400 years ago to speak to a stay-at-home mama. Only You have that kind of humor.

Oh Jamie you're so great. What a day for me to read this. It's like seriously donut crumbs on the floor I just swept!! Ahhh...deep breaths. Thanks for the story & the reminder. I love the symbolism. :) Psst..your kitchen is so cute.
oooooo, that was a great little nugget there!
I recently listened to a teaching by a worship leader named Jason Upton... and he was talking about something similar. We think that what moves the heart of God is when we are "doing" ministry in the church... but what truely moves the heart of God is when we are "doing" the ministry that He has first called us to. Changing diapers, and kissing boo boo's... making meals, and coloring with our kids... that moves the heart of God.
So good.. thankyou for that reminder today, Jamie!! Hugs.. A
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