For many of you not familiar with Bubba (which is now, apparently, not a cool nickname for a four-year old), he is so darn sweet! Our first born boy... Oh, I remember the first time his daddy laid eyes on him, during the ultrasound. I think he may have been close to dumping Gi-Gi off of his lap when he jumped for joy at the obvious sign of a son. Even at that point, there was this incredible bond between the two of them. In fact, while I was pregnant with him, he would start flipping around and acting crazy about the time his daddy got home from work.
Life is not easy for a boy sandwiched in between two sisters. While he loves his sisters, he really loves being around other boys. Big or little doesn't matter, he just loves the surge of testosterone! Already, the sense of keeping up with what the other boys can do has pervaded his sense of boyhood. He's constantly sharing stories about what his older friends can do, and he's busy being impressed with their feats of strength.
Do you know how funny my son is? This guy has inherited his father's gift of cutting people up! He will do almost anything for a laugh and then do it over and over and over... We've just made it through the hysterical (and always embarrassing) stage of saying his random thoughts about people out loud. "Mama, that man has a squishy neck". He says this in church. Aye-yi-yi! "Mama, that lady has a big -"! Ahhhh!! Again, as we're walking into church. My hand barely made it over his mouth in time. Heaven knows, I won't be walking around in a bathing suit in front of him any time soon! That's a good thing for everyone involoved.

One of my favorite things about Bubba is his desire to do the right thing. When we can get him to slow down an think about what he's doing or saying (no easy task at times, let me tell you), he honestly wants to make the right decision. I love this teachable spirit of his. God has such great things planned for this boy, maybe using his love of music. (*When he was barely walking, he used to go into the laundry room and bounce to the rhythem of the washing machine*) He goes around the house singing the Sunday school song, "I'm In the Lord's Army". It sure is music to this Mama's ears (and heart).

He seems like such a well rounded boy. Boys really are so fun aren't they? You gotta love those little comments that pop out of their mouths every so often! :)
Aaaaaaw. Cute pictures! I love this sweet little guy! His eyes just emote good natured-ness.
Ahhhhh, the Bubba! What a sweet face he has... what is it about little boys that just melts your heart.. sigh! Mine does that to me ALL the time! Happy Birthday to him!!
What a sweetie!
Hugs.. Amy
oh oh and when you get a sec, come on over to my blog.. I have somethin' for ya!
hugs.. Amy
Happy Birthday, Bubba!!!! Lot's of hugs from Jelly Bean to Bubba. She's looking excitedly at his birthday tribute.
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