This girly-girl's mama said to the previouly mentioned girly-girl, "Girly-girl, would you like to host a tea party for your friends on Saturday?"
"Oh, Mother, you are so good to me! This would be a dream come true. I will love you for always and obey you no matter what."
Well, it was something like that. Ahem.
Cut to last Saturday. Gi-Gi invited her two best friends to join us at our house for a loverly afternoon tea. Gi-Gi worked hard all week making illustrated menus and sewn crafts for her girls, as well as tidying up her room.
Mama was busy in the kitchen making fruit salad with fresh whipped cream, double chocolate banana muffins and chocolate no-bake cookies.

When our girls arrived, they were immediately escorted upstairs to become "queenly". This entailed dressing up, complete with giggles, squeals and downright screams when a little brother was pestering them by opening the door. :) The girls then proceeded downstairs to partake of their dainty tea.

The girls munched (or is it more ladylike to say nibbled?), delicately drank their tea with pinkies up and talked girl talk. Amidst more giggling, you understand. While having high tea, I asked the girls what they would chose for their own queen name, if they could. Let me tell you, their eyes lit up like fireworks!

There was some hemming. There was some hawing. Back and forth, back and forth. What would they choose? What would the perfect name be? Oh, the pressure!
So, may I now present to you...(trumpets blasting)

The Queens! In order, we have Queen Rebecca, the Benevolent. Queen Jasmine, the Just. Queen Rose, the Joyous! Our queens. Are they expecting us to grovel? I'm not sure I "do" groveling. Well, I could curtsy as a measure of politeness. I just hope my own Queen Jasmine doesn't forget she has to go back to making her bed and dressing herself.
All in all, I think the tea party was a success! I enjoyed it just as much as they did. And I didn't even get any tea.

They are so sweet and precious, our girly-girls! Cute pictures, and very cute discription.
From Queen Rose's mother
Gi-Gi says, "I loved the tea party! It was so fun to be with my friends."
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