Ah, Mother's Day again. I love this holiday! Okay, I love almost any holiday.
I enjoy looking for ways to make this day special for the mamas in our lives. If it's daisies at the places at the dining room table or the special, lucious chocolate-dipped strawberry cake, it's fun for me to try to show how special Shirshy, Gramma and Nonnie are to us.

My favorite cake
We got to spend Sunday with Hubby's mom (aka Gramma), my mom (Nonnie), and my grandma (Shirshy). With so many moms in our lives, Mother's Day can be overwhelming for my poor husband. We don't go out to eat on Mother's Day because it's so crazy busy out there (not to mention expensive, although, our mothers are worth it!), so dinner is prepared at our house.

Because it does take preparation to prepare such a meal, my Mother's Day has a tendency to get overlooked somewhat. This year, I got smart! My special day will be occurring next Saturday. This way, Hubby and I worked together in the kitchen to bless both of our moms (oh, and Grandma, too).

I didn't forget about four of my favorite people in the world who were the one's to allow me to join the League of Motherhood.

I can't wait for my special day on Saturday! Wonder what I'll do. Hmmm, first thing is sleep in. Think that will happen? Naaaaahhhh! :) Maybe I'll get lucky and get lunch and a shopping trip. We'll see, we'll see.

What a sweet selfless tradition to have on Mothers Day. You are such a great Mom & I hope Saturday is a GREAT day for you. :)
I'm laughing! I can't believe you made that face without any help from your hands. That's great.
Have a great mother's day, Jamie!
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