Thursday, November 27, 2008

Family Blessings

Today I took each one of my family members aside and asked what they were thankful for. Here are their unedited responses:

Hubby - my job, our new little baby coming this spring, the fact our marriage just seems to get better and better every day.

Gi-Gi - that most days I feel good and healthy(tummy troubles this morning), family, toys and friends.

Bubba - jellybeans, turkeys, Daddy, oh and Mama

Ya-ya - food, Bubba, Gi-Gi, Papa, Daddy, and Mama

Since no one asked me (after all, I'm just the mama), I'll ask myself. "Mama, what are you thankful for?"

Mama - that I belong to a merciful God who loves me so much, He continues to bless me beyond my wildest dreams and desire.


Amy said...

OH I love this!! What a fun idea!!

We did this on the way home to hear the kids' hearts.... :)

AMY said...

I had to comment and let you know the dumb blond moment I just had when I scrolled down to the comments of this post. I saw the last comment started with "Amy said..." and I had a brief moment of panic thinking I commented and didn't remember. Sometimes I forget there are like 100 billion other Amys. ;) I had no idea you were pregnant. Exciting!