Most of you know our youngest, Ya-ya. Many of you have heard me say that out of my three (so far) she's the one who is the most courageous, independent and willing to try anything out of the three. Well, yesterday at church, we had a "Ya-ya moment". The following story would only happen with her. The others would never even think about doing anything remotely like this.
During the lull between the offering and the sermon starting, we were sitting in our pew getting settled. Hubby had already taken the two younger to class. We're gradually having our kids sit through the entire service with us and not going to class and this was Gi-gi's Sunday with us. Well, Daddy looks up towards the center aisle at church and starts smiling. He says, "Look, there's a little kid walking up and down the aisle. It kind of looks like Ya-ya." Laugh, laugh. Wait a minute! It is Ya-ya!! She had escaped from class. Hubby got up and ran to get her and him with a broken foot no less. Of course by this time, everyone around us sees what's going on and starts grinning or chuckling quietly to themselves. He rushes her back because he knows they are looking for her in a panic. Sure enough he meets up with our lovely nursery coordinator and she is almost in tears. Poor lady! Ya-ya had been upset in class and didn't want to stay, so the coordinator brought her to work up at the counter with her. She turned around for a split second and Ya-ya was gone. I know all about this. I am the mother of another Houdini. Well, Daddy brought her back into church with us and she arrived with a smile of triumph! I know that smile well. For the rest of the service she sat on my lap as good as gold.
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