Last night as I was tucking our darlingest daughter, Gi-Gi, into bed she opened up her heart to me. Those times are so precious because I can see the working of the Lord in her heart and her desire to live for Him and to be more like Him. She confessed to me the fear she has of the future at times. This was heartbreaking for me because as her mama, I never want her to feel fearful for anything. However, this is something that I have dealt with myself throughout my life, so I felt that it was something familiar that I could encourage her in. I reminded her that God knows everything and that nothing ever takes Him by surprise. He loves her and she is a child of His. I wish I could say that nothing bad would ever happen, but I can't. However, I could remind her that He will never leave her or forsake her. She was encouraged and went right to sleep. This conversation stayed with me, though. I've been reading a book by Beth Moore called, Living Free. In it she says, "The more you know of God, the less you have to fear." Talk about revolutionary thinking for me! Am I passing my fears onto my children? I pray not. Second Corinthians says, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (vs. 10:5) Thank you Lord for reminding me through my child how much you care for me and want me to live freely in You.
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